• Welcome to the Distance Education Program (DEP) online training portal. This portal enables Nevada State Trial Court judges, quasi-judicial officers and court personnel and, in some cases, certain court stakeholders, to quickly and easily participate in online self-paced training.

    These trainings exist on an internal server and are for Registered Users only. External and non-DEP users will not be able to access these trainings. If you are a returning user, click here. If you are a new user, click here.

    These resources do not necessarily reflect the views of the Nevada Appellate Courts, the Administrative Office of the Courts, or Judicial Education nor provide any warranties as to the currency and accuracy of the information in these works. Users are reminded to check the subsequent changes to rules of court and statutes cited in the works before relying on them.

    These resources are provided for the personal non-commercial use of judicial officers and court employees and may not be used for any other purpose without the written permission of Judicial Education.


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