(Recorded Webinar June 23, 2016)

Training Description: "Impatience never commanded success." - Edwin H. Chapin

Grant writing is an art form and, often, a significant source of frustration for grant applicants. While there is no "formula" that guarantees success, there are several steps grant applicants can take to improve their chances of success. Administrative Office of the Courts staff provide an overview of AOC's Grant Program and offer suggestions for writing and submitting successful grant applications.This training will address a range of grant submission topics including the importance of reading the fine print, carefully following directions, conducting proper research, writing with clear purpose, and remaining patient throughout the process.

This training is designed for all Nevada Trial Court judicial officers and court personnel, with emphasis on rural courts..

Faculty: Ms. Jamie Gradick, Rural Courts Coordinator and Mr. John McCormick, Assistant Court Administrator, Supreme Court of Nevada, Administrative Office of the Courts Staff

This course is not currently accredited with the Nevada Board of Continuing Legal Education.