This training is no longer accredited for CLE credit.

Training Description: Digital impersonation is increasingly realistic and convincing. Deepfakes machine-learning algorithms swap faces in video recording of actual people. Please join Adam Dodge, Esq. in a discussion of the impacts, consequences, and occurrences in which you are most likely to encounter digital impersonations.

Who Should Attend: This course is designed for all Nevada judges. Note: Meets Core Competency "Judicial Knowledge" (JK)

Faculty: Adam Dodge, Esq.

Continuing Education Credit: No longer accredited for CLE credit. 

Before You Begin: This course should take approximately 1.50 hours to complete. You can complete the course in one session or return to it as often as needed.

The course is organized into three sections:

1.  Video presentation - 1.5 hour in length and must be viewed to receive education credit.
2.  Materials & Resources - Presentation outline and/or PowerPoint and additional reference documents; must be read to receive education credit.
3.  Forms -Certificate of Attendance (COA)-formal acknowledgement credit earned, Certificate of Completion -formal certificate for personal education records, and Evaluation.