This training is no longer accredited for CLE credit.

Training Description:

Credentialed court interpreters serve as a conduit between Limited English Proficient (LEP) court users and English-speaking officials in legal forums. The goal of a court interpreter is to enable the judge and jury to react in the same manner to a LEP speaking person as they do with one who speaks English. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Executive Order 13166 provides the right for language access and thereby affording LEP court users fair access to justice.

During this training, Ms. Escobar provides a basic overview of the role of a certified court interpreter. She will discuss the different types of interpretation, ethical responsibilities, the brain science and multilingual language control in simultaneous interpretation, and other tools of the trade.

This course has been developed in collaboration with the Second Judicial District Court.

Faculty: Jessica Escobar, Court Interpreter, Second Judicial District Court

Welcome by Jackie Bryant, Esq., Court Administrator and Clerk of Court, Second Judicial District Court

This course is designed for all judicial officers, quasi-judicial officers, and court staff. However, credentialed court interpreters and prospective court interpreters are invited to attend as well.

Continuing Education Credit: No longer accredited for CLE credit.